Banoo Matin, Naturopathic Physician

Banoo is registered with NZNMA, as a certified by Natural Health Practitioners of New Zealand in Naturopathy, Nutrition and Herbal Medicine.

Ozone therapy is her passion. It has been used in medicine since 1915 and now with 100 years of clinical use behind it has an impressive record in improving health and restoring normal physiological function.

What might it do for you? Essentially ozone restores oxygen saturation to the body’s tissues. With any form of illness, the oxygen levels drop and if they get depressed 40% below normal cancer is encouraged to grow. Low oxygen signals fatigue, usually becoming chronic. The oxidative (Life Force) power of the body is reduced and metabolism goes down to a less efficient level. Conversely, when the oxygen saturation is returned to normal there is a strong chance of recovery of normal physiological function i.e.: A return to better health.

Ozone therapy is unsurpassed as a method of oxygenation and is a cousin of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Six treatments are required to receive the ozone effect and as metabolism improves vastly resulting benefits are very long lasting.

Prolotherapy & Prolozone therapy

Prolotherapy is a non-invasive, cost-effective solution to many problems associated with the wear and tear of joints and back problems.    Especially effective with knee and shoulder damage and lower back issues.

An injection of dextrose and lidocaine are used to perform prolotherapy.  The injection is given into damaged tissue (ligaments and tendons) which causes it to inflame and then heal.  In the healing process more strength is added to bony connections. Ligaments hold joints firmly, so they move in correct alignment.  Tendons attach muscles to bones. Tearing of ligaments and tendons off bones causes sloppy joint movement and pain.

Prolozone involves injecting ozone into the painful or inflamed areas, similar to prolotherapy.

Once repaired non-surgically with prolotherapy, muscles can then strengthen around the joint.  Once the joint is strong, it remains so unless another accidental injury occurs. Prolotherapy increases circulation and nutrients that help tissue repair itself.  This collagen strengthening technique can be used for all joint injuries, old or new.

Christine Birch

Family Therapist-Counsellor

Sand Tray Therapy Sessions

Sand tray therapy (which is also referred to as sand play therapy) is often used with individuals who have experienced a traumatic event such as abuse. It’s most often used with children, but it can also help teens and adults. Psychotherapists may use sand trays to assess, diagnose, or treat a variety of mental illnesses.  Research shows that sand tray therapy can help increase emotional expression while also reducing psychological distress in many populations.

Counselling and Family Therapy

Why do people seek help from a Counsellor or Family Therapist?

I believe all of humanity seeks some type of help with life and the understanding of the emotions they are going through when we face diversity.  From children through to adults, we face many changes.  These changes can course heart ache and many emotions, dealing with these changes can sometimes be very difficult.  Counselling helps children, adolescents and adults find the answers they need to process the changes.  Helping them move through the changes with new understanding and skills to cope with the emotions they are dealing with.

Family therapy is a more systematic approach to families with the intent that everything is connected.  Family therapy works with the entire family system, to help address fractured relationships, children’s behaviour, adolescent behaivours.  It looks at parenting, patterns within their parenting and splits in the system.  By looking through the wider lens a Family therapist can help the parents strengthen their unity which in turn strengths the entire system, so the family is able to function at a higher level.  

Christine Burch has been working in Auckland/South Auckland with children and adolescence for the past 12 years. She is a qualified Sand Tray Therapist and has also been working for the past 8 years with families using Intensive Structural Family Therapy.

Homoeopathy Courses

Teacher: Morris Tuffery BSC (Hons),ND, Rhom

Morris is a qualified Naturopath and Homoeopath with 40 years’ experience in the use of these therapies. He ran a very busy and successful public clinic in New Plymouth for 15 years. In addition to this, he has a real passion for passing on his knowledge in the form of courses and seminars. He has offered these courses to the public over a long period of time, with a very enthusiastic response.

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Usui Reiki Courses

Reiki Master: Jane MacKinnon

Jane MacKinnon is a Reiki Master and Holistic Therapist.  Jane studied most of her modalities in the UK, including Anatomy & Physiology, Massage, Aromatherapy and Reflexology and she has been a Reiki Master for nearly 25 years.  She moved to New Zealand with her husband and daughter in 2002.  Since moving to New Zealand she has added Quantum Touch (Practitioner and Teacher), NLP, EFT and Emotion Code to her tool kit of modalities. This enables her to offer a full range of holistic treatments to her clients.

What is Reiki?

Reiki energy is the vital force which flows through all matter and can be activated for a powerful form of healing.  Reiki acknowledges the oneness of all and does not conflict with any religion or belief system.  All that is required is the willingness to heal and be healed. Reiki is beneficial to both orthodox and complementary therapies. The Reiki Healing System dates back over 2500 years originating in Tibet.  It was rediscovered in 1843 by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese Monk.   Usui dedicated his life to practising and teaching what he named Reiki, which is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy (Rei is Universal and Ki is Life Energy).

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Bioptron Light Therapy Course

Facilitators: Sam and Christine Carter

A course helping us to understand how light and colour can assist us in our own healing. We have a proactive approach to wellness options, assisting others to understand that our body has a wisdom that if listened to will keep us all well. Light is being hailed along with sound as the new medicine. Our cells all have light receptors on them that respond to Bioptron and as we are all made up of approximately 70 Trillion cells all conducting various functions for our body to survive, this light can be of assistance to so many health issues. So we encourage people to look at light as a preventative solution that is quick easy and with no side effects. Our talks are fun and we elaborate on why the Immune System is getting such a hard time now in our modern lifestyle therefore impacting on many people with Auto Immune issues.

Spirit Heal” Massage Therapy Course

Facilitators: Sam and Christine Carter

This is a technique we developed over the years of our experience while travelling and observing how many Therapists burn themselves out with physical damage from years of massage techniques that are hard on the therapist. We assist the health practitioner find their particular way of healing through using their natural gifts. “Spirit Heal” is as it says being a conduit for Spirit allowing the change within the body to take place through breath, love and intention as the key ingredients. This technique is transformative for the client as well as the Therapist it is designed to be very slow and intentional allowing the Client to completely relax from the day to day stress of life but also the Therapist to be in a state where Spirit can flow. We have many techniques that demonstrates how we can tap into our natural healing gifts.

“Human Design” – The science of differentiation

Facilitators: Sam and Christine Carter

Yes we are all unique human beings that have a design based on our birth data. What Human Design focuses on is how we make our decisions in our body uniquely assisting us to follow our true path in life. Once you receive a Reading you can experiment with the suggested guidelines and see if it makes your life more Satisfying, Peaceful, Successful and Surprising. I can offer at this stage short recordings for people to get a basic understanding. I can offer talks on the basics of Human Design and knowing who we are and what we have come here to do.

Dave Stuhlbarg Courses

Dave Stuhlbarg

Dave Stuhlbarg is a world traveling educator who creates magical “in-the-moment” learning experiences for people of all ages. He’s dedicated to being a beneficial presence wherever he goes.  Dave’s classes include: The Interconnected Living System; Crewmanship ~ Powerful Listening and Communicating; Story Busting for Teens and Twenties; Practicing Presence, and more.  Whichever the class, Dave’s teachings enable people to live life more fully.  Participants gain far greater awareness of their power to effect their surroundings and the experience of their life. Dave provides insight into the nature of reality that we all share and thus helps people to become more connected with themselves, with others, with the planet and the cosmos. Participants are inspired, enlivened and often experience shifts in perspectives they didn’t see coming