BeYOUtiful is a programme that equips young women aged 9-13 years old to discover their full potential in a fun creative space. It helps young women find confidence within to be their authentic self, and teaches them tools and strategies to help them to be their BeYOUtiful self inside and out. We do a creative art project each week and generate discussions with regards to issues that are important to the young women and emphasis the importance of embracing self-worth, self-care and self-love for themselves while learning to set boundaries and be the best versions of themselves.
4 Week Term 3 Workshops
Date: Wednesdays starting September 2, 2020 Location: Pasadena Intermediate School – 2 Moray Place, Point Chevalier Time: 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Dads and Lads is an 2-day programme that teaches men and their boys how to fish, using simple and inexpensive methods. Something that is missing in the lives of many boys is quality time spent with a father or father figure.
This programme will encourage the boys and their fathers or male caregivers to spend time learning together and enjoying each other’s company. This programme is specifically designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and get the family, especially the young people outdoors in nature using their physical strength, their newfound knowledge and their ingenuity to catch a fish for the family. It also encourages Dads and Lads to achieve their goals of spending quality time together and with other men & boys in their communities, while being inspired to learn a new sport that is a life skill that can be used throughout their lifetime.
The principle teacher,Bill Hohepa has seen the benefits this programme offers reinforced time and again when Camp Hohepa ‘old boys’, now with families of their own, have contacted him to say it was the best time of their lives and they are teaching their own children the skills he taught them.
Date. September 12 & 13, 2020
Location: Saturday September 12 @ Ardmore Community Hall
Youth Tribe Art Connection is an eight-week after school art connection for female and male students ages 14+ lead by creative clinical arts therapist Hannah Eriksen-Gowing & empowerment life coach Dee Petit, who lead youth through a series of creative art projects and mindfulness activities. Participants are offered an opportunity to experience and explore their emotional well-being through creative art while reflecting on the Maori Health Model ‘Te whare tapa whā’ concepts as it relates to individual wholeness.
It is a safe ART space of inclusion, connection and involvement in positive, healthy relationships and simple acts of giving, mindfulness, self-learning, creativity and being active that uplift everyone involved. Our aim is to encourage, build trust, and inspire creative expression in the development and unfolding of individual personal identity, values and goals which gives our teenage participants access to another language and knowledge base. When youth feel safe, supported, loved and a sense of belonging, their confidence, willingness, and ability to participate in discovering and achieving their purpose and potential is unleashed and they then feel empowered to create positive change in their personal lives, families, and local neighbourhoods.
Each session builds upon our overall vision, which is to make an impact on our future leaders by assisting them in finding their True North, their internal compass in life. We incorporate visual arts, a range of art materials and recycled products in our art projects. All students will be able to participate at a level that is comfortable and suitable for them.
We provide students a space in which they can bring in their unique stories, cultural backgrounds and ethnic identities in order to collaborate on art projects that have personal meaning and serve as a reminder of the celebration of both diversity and togetherness.
Eight artists from diverse cultural backgrounds living in Auckland are working together to teach a wide range of original practices in an open art space that offer opportunities of self-development in one’s individual art practice. As a collective that teaches various modalities of art, we help participants to use different materials to produce artwork that is relevant to them. Even if students don’t think of themselves as creative, we want to create an environment that encourages them to have fun and be playful in their art.
The ART Collective Project offers you the opportunity to uncover and develop your artistic creative talents for beginners and emerging artists. With assistance from our collective creative artists, you will be inspired and gently guided into using the mediums of palette knife painting, watercolour, acrylic, life drawing, print making, collage, creative ink art, and sewn textile fibre art. As with all creative processes it offers a therapeutic environment to be nourished by. No experience is necessary, just a desire to create!
Our students/participants are always encouraged to explore and express the wonderment of ART through wide range of mediums. Through discovery and play one uncovers personal jewels that lay beneath the surface.
Currently we are seeking financial support in assisting us with two large art projects taking place in Central Auckland in 2025. Watch this space Auckland!
Restaurant Chilling Out Classy Lifestyle Reserved Concept
We assist people to learn the ‘why’ we must change, and the motivation to do so!
Back 2 Basics is a 6-week program that is a face to face, interactive, educational experience with Naturopath Shirley Tuffery who teaches youth, women and men to understand the basics of our physiology and how the body systems all work together as a functioning whole (nothing exists in isolation). This foundational theory will be balanced out with the practical hands-on cooking experience with and Empowerment Life Coach & Cook Dee Petit , using seasonal fruits, vegetables and nutrient rich ingredients which will focus on experiencing how easy it can be to sustain healthy families by providing simple, nutritious, cost-effective meals.
The core aim of Back to Basics, is to demonstrate how we feel and function when in a state of wellbeing and how we can learn to take self-responsibility by being equipped with the tools to make better lifestyle choices. Thus, not only preventing illness, but achieving vibrant health, strength, and vitality.
Our goal is to provide educational and practical knowledge that is easy to implement, enabling participants to make healthy lifestyle choices to balance body and mind. Promoting a healthy lifestyle in the home and raising healthy children ensures positive happy attitudes that encourage all to actively contribute to our communities.
At the end of the course, the participants will understand the basics of the human body and its functions and the connection between physical and mental health. The meal preparations, using a variety of simple, tasty and cost-effective recipes, will encourage the participants to integrate and apply the learned knowledge and cooking skills into their daily lives using the practical skills and techniques taught during the six-week program.
The focus is on education, self-responsibility, empowerment, wellness, and prevention. We aim to provide basic knowledge that will form a solid foundation for future generations.
Date: 5 March thru 9 April 2025
Time: Wednesdays 10:00am – 2:30 pm
Location: Onehunga Community Hub– 83 Church Street, Onehunga Auckland
FREE Community Programme – 12 spaces available
To contact us about this programme please fill in enquiry form below.