Our education curriculum include the healing arts and modalities with subjects as diverse as holistic wellness, ancient wisdom practices, arts and culture, sustainable & organic lifestyles for personal & spiritual development that stimulates the imagination and invention in people. 

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Current Education Programs

The ART Collective Project

Eight artists from diverse cultural backgrounds living in Auckland are working together to teach a wide range of original practices in an open art space that offer opportunities of self-development in one’s individual art practice. As a collective that teaches various modalities of art, we help participants to use different materials to produce artwork that is relevant to them. Even if students don’t think of themselves as creative, we want to create an environment that encourages them to have fun and be playful in their art.

The ART Collective Project offers you the opportunity to uncover and develop your  artistic creative talents for beginners and emerging artists. With assistance from our collective creative artists, you will be inspired and gently guided into using the mediums of palette knife painting, watercolour, acrylic, life drawing, print making, collage, creative ink art, and sewn textile fibre art. As with all creative processes it offers a therapeutic environment to be nourished by.  No experience is necessary, just a desire to create!

Our students/participants are always encouraged to explore and express the wonderment of ART through wide range of mediums. Through discovery and play one uncovers personal jewels that lay beneath the surface. 

Currently we are seeking financial support in assisting us with two large art projects taking place in Central Auckland in 2025. Watch this space Auckland!

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Back 2 Basics Programme

Restaurant Chilling Out Classy Lifestyle Reserved Concept

We assist people to learn the ‘why’ we must change, and the motivation to do so!

Back 2 Basics is a 6-week program that is a face to face, interactive, educational experience with Naturopath Shirley Tuffery who teaches youth, women and men to understand the basics of our physiology and how the body systems all work together as a functioning whole (nothing exists in isolation). This foundational theory will be balanced out with the practical hands-on cooking experience with and Empowerment Life Coach & Cook Dee Petit , using seasonal fruits, vegetables and nutrient rich ingredients which will focus on experiencing how easy it can be to sustain healthy families by providing simple, nutritious, cost-effective meals.

The core aim of Back to Basics, is to demonstrate how we feel and function when in a state of wellbeing and how we can learn to take self-responsibility by being equipped with the tools to make better lifestyle choices. Thus, not only preventing illness, but achieving vibrant health, strength, and vitality.

Our goal is to provide educational and practical knowledge that is easy to implement, enabling participants to make healthy lifestyle choices to balance body and mind. Promoting a healthy lifestyle in the home and raising healthy children ensures positive happy attitudes that encourage all to actively contribute to our communities.

At the end of the course, the participants will understand the basics of the human body and its functions and the connection between physical and mental health. The meal preparations, using a variety of simple, tasty and cost-effective recipes, will encourage the participants to integrate and apply the learned knowledge and cooking skills into their daily lives using the practical skills and techniques taught during the six-week program.

The focus is on education, self-responsibility, empowerment, wellness, and prevention. We aim to provide basic knowledge that will form a solid foundation for future generations.

Date: 5 March thru 9 April 2025

Time: Wednesdays 10:00am – 2:30 pm

Location: Onehunga Community Hub – 83 Church Street, Onehunga Auckland

FREE Community Programme – 12 spaces available

To contact us about this programme please fill in enquiry form below.

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Women’s Support Circle

Women’s Support Circle offers a safe space for women who may have experienced emotional, mental, physical and/or sexual abuse and are looking for support. This established 12-week programme has been offered through the Shiloh Creative Life Centre Charitable Trust since 2021. This circle is facilitated by Registered Arts & Dance Therapist Anne Hurst, and Certified Empowerment Life Coach Dee Petit who together support women of different cultures inclusively to sit in circle and safely share their stories and support activities for their healing journey in the process.

Our weekly contact consists of nine on-line two-hour zoom calls on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30pm and 3 in-person Wednesday evening gatherings @ Maclaurin Chapel at Auckland University to support womens’ connecting together, encouraging friendships to be formed. Throughout the programme women will be supported to explore life issues creatively to enhance overall well-being. Coming together in a safe space, women can experience a sense of belonging,   release stress and creative restoration within a community that enhances their lives. 

Key circle outcomes are:

  • To understand your own challenges,  find and focus on strengths, feel more grounded and safe in your body with feelings, gain insight into unhelpful thinking and patterns, explore new pathways for growth, and plan for positive futures.   
  • The circle offers mutual support and creative opportunities for women to uncover and enhance strengths, release stress and tension, and equip themselves to make positive changes to enhance their lives. Women can become more resilient, gain confidence, feel connected, have the courage to express themselves, and move forward making a positive difference for themselves, family and community.

Shiloh Creative Life Centre Charitable Trust are in collaboration with Maclaurin Chapel @ Auckland University to offer this circle for women dealing with trauma and seeking support in a therapeutic, safe community circle of women.

Anne and Dee’s goal is to offer three twelve-week Women’s Support Circles in 2025 for women dealing with trauma and seeking support in a therapeutic, safe community circle of women. 

Anne Hurst MAAT (clinical) MHSc – Expressive Therapies. PGDip Mental Health (Counselling) AthR, DTAA is an expert therapist and counsellor with over 15 years proven experience. Anne offers:

  • Effective counselling skills and experience with a wide variety of client populations and cultures
  • Specialist in practicing and lecturing in a variety of counselling approaches specializing in creative approaches and treatment of trauma
  • Committed to delivering excellent, empowering counselling and mental health education for all students
  • Committed to continual personal / professional development and growth
  • Driven by Aroha, person centered, strengths into an integrative approach to cultivate client resilience, resources and recovery

Certified Empowerment Life Coach Dee Petit, is the founder of Shiloh Creative Life Centre Charitable Trust, director of Sassy Red Ltd and a certified life coach, meditation teacher and facilitator of young and mature women’s empowerment workshops. Dee assists women in re-discovering their strengths and confidence to enhance and transform the quality of their personal, family and professional lives.

If you or you know of a woman who is attending Auckland University and is seeking support, please share this with them. They can reach out to Dee for further information and registration details. You will need access to the internet. Email: dee@shilohcentre.org.nz

Date: 5 MARCH THRU 21 MAY 2025

Time: Wednesdays 6:30pm -8:30pm

FREE participation for 8 women this term

To contact us about this programme please fill in registration form below.

Testimonies from previous circles

In circle, I learnt I carry the burden of my past life and I was unable to forgive myself for letting bad things happen but did not take any steps then. The circle has helped me face reality, accept past and not blame myself. I feel less bad for letting myself being taken advantage of. I started taking steps to protect myself from my work situation and now I do not allow my managers and others to take advantage of my kindness or bully me. I don’t put up with things wrong and have improved my skills and knowledge to fulfil my personal and work responsibilities which includes self-care and drawing boundaries between professional and family life while working from home. The women in the circle were open, and the group was diverse, and privacy was respected. It was a great experience to discover myself. I would recommend this to everyone I know and would like to sincerely thank our teachers and the ladies of this circle that made each session memorable and fun. – Shaaniya

I was sceptical at first. I felt like I was judging others, but it was more about me feeling not enough. I persevered and worked through the fear of being vulnerable and being rejected and actually see these wāhine for pillars of strength. Their words, and stories and mamae (hurt) were the same as the hurt that rippled throughout my life. I found myself in each one of them. Because of that I never felt alone. I understood the power of being vulnerable. Of sharing. The absolute joy of going deep. The facilitators are the anchors of the group. They allow you to drift if you need time but are willing to pull you back if you start to get too far. They are fair, and thoughtful and kind, as are the women. I am thankful for the laughter, for the tears, drama and general korero. Thanks, so much ladies. – Tarah

The Women’s Support Circle Programme has helped me gain my confidence and express myself freely in the circle as well as in my everyday life. The activities and meditations helped me to let go of things that were weighing me down and also to stand up for myself in situations that are not good or challenging for me. So, I am grateful I got to be a part of the circle because if I did not, I would not have experienced or known more about both my happy and sad side. I am now able to accept things about me as they are and not judge them but appreciate and see the beauty in them. The women in the circle were amazing, I learned that when it came to my turn to speak my truth everybody listened and guaranteed you that there will be at least two or more women who are likely going through the same thing and you hear the different perspectives and the coping mechanisms they use. You learn new things from others and about yourself in the circle. The facilitators helped me so much in my personal growth with me being able to speak up for myself in uncomfortable situations, my self-esteem, build my confidence, be true to myself, and follow my heart, the list goes on. I have enjoyed our circle so much and I would totally recommend this circle to family & friends who need that extra support because it does help you mentally and physically. – Elaine

The Women’s Support Circle is very heart touching as it is a group of women that come from all parts of New Zealand, from all walks of life and there is no judgment amongst us. Each woman has a chance to speak their truth in the circle. The course offers major support as well as the women participants. I recommend this circle to women who are trying to find a place to belong for its okay to be yourself. In doing the course I suggest to the women not to miss any of the sessions as they roll into the next week. – Ruth

I have found it very healing and empowering to take part in the Women’s Support Circle. Being able to connect with other women in circle who have been through a similar situation to me and are going on a similar journey to heal has been invaluable. The facilitators gently encourage us to expand our consciousness and have wonderfully woven some creative play into the learning material to help us connect with our emotions on a different level to the way I normally do. You have put together and delivered an amazing programme – Rebecca

I really enjoying doing the Women’s Support Circle.  I felt I was nearing the end of my healing journey, but this circle has helped me on yet another level.  It is so nice to connect with women who are going through the same/similar experience as you to know that you are not alone.  The circle is incredibly supportive, and I looked forward to our meetings each week. I highly recommend this programme, it is amazing. – Deb

I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to attend and be a part of the woman’s support circle. You created a safe and supportive space to share our stories. I gained so much more than I anticipated, I laughed, cried, poured my heart out and was inspired by the stories of strength and challenges. Our lives and experiences all different but with a common thread. I am empowered and equipped with tools to carry on with my journey and will continue to make my personal well being a priority. Every woman needs a circle! – Kelly

Once again, thank you for the amazing opportunity to join the women’s circle. It took me a few weeks to get into it just for my own person reasons which I kicked myself for doing as I got so much from the circle every week! In the women’s circle, I gained confidence in myself. To stand up for what I believe in. Circle made me happy inside to be with woman who are working through some of the same issues as I am. Their sharing and caring was very helpful and insightful for my personal growth. You were awesome every week opening up the space to feel safe & free to express our voices……cannot thank you enough l ladies, you have really set us up on the best path from these circles. – Bree

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