Dads and Lads is an 2-day programme that teaches men and their boys how to fish, using simple and inexpensive methods. Something that is missing in the lives of many boys is quality time spent with a father or father figure.
This programme will encourage the boys and their fathers or male caregivers to spend time learning together and enjoying each other’s company. This programme is specifically designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and get the family, especially the young people outdoors in nature using their physical strength, their newfound knowledge and their ingenuity to catch a fish for the family. It also encourages Dads and Lads to achieve their goals of spending quality time together and with other men & boys in their communities, while being inspired to learn a new sport that is a life skill that can be used throughout their lifetime.
The principle teacher, Bill Hohepa has seen the benefits this programme offers reinforced time and again when Camp Hohepa ‘old boys’, now with families of their own, have contacted him to say it was the best time of their lives and they are teaching their own children the skills he taught them.
Date. September 12 & 13, 2020
Location: Saturday September 12 @ Ardmore Community Hall
Location: Sunday September 13 @ Maraetai Beach
Time: 10am to 4pm
Cost: $100 (ONE DAD. ONE LAD)
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