Facilitators: Jacqui O’Connor and Dee Petit
BeYOUtiful is an eight week program that equips young women aged 9-13 years old to discover their full potential in a fun creative space.
Our Vision: To help young women find confidence within and to teach them tools and straegies to help them to be their BeYOUtiful self inside and out.
Our Mission: We support and encourage young women to be their authentic self. To inspire and gain self-confidence, self-worth and self-care through self-love. To BE YOU and LOVE YOU.
BeYOUtiful is an interactive experience. Each week Dee Petit & Jacqui O’Connor opens the circle with gratitude and mindfulness exercises followed by a series of dance movements encouraging self-expression. We do a creative art project each week and generate discussions with regards to issues that are important to the young women and emphasise the importance of embracing self-worth, self-care and self-love for themselves while learning to set boundaries and be the best versions of themselves.
We empower BeYOUtiful young women to expand, explore and experience peace, mindfulness, patience, awareness, intuition, creativity and their authentic self.