Shirley Tuffery has been dedicated to a path of self discovery and Truth since the early 1970s when, having recently graduated with a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree, majoring in Psychology, she landed in Canada where she experienced a ‘spiritual awakening’. At this time she was introduced to Astrology, vegetarianism and ‘alternative’ natural therapies which laid the foundation for her subsequent life’s journey. Going on to qualify and practice as a Naturopath in the early 1980s, she combined her love of healthy living, self development, education , and service with her Astrological counselling, helping others psychologically and spiritually , on their journey to self understanding.
Through her years of further in depth study, she has also served as a meditation teacher, and co-ordinator of her local spiritual group, and is more passionate than ever about helping people make some sense of their lives and find answers not only to the WHAT in their life, but to the WHY, in the deepest spiritual sense.
Her current passion and focus includes healthy lifestyle education and weight loss coaching, organic plant based nutritional supplement business, Naturopathic health care, spiritual meditation, and all things colourful and creative.